Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy 9 Months

Tuckered out after our hike...she never snuggles like this..

So it seems as though the twins are doing so many new things as they reach this 9 month milestone. I know I say this all the time, but I can truly hardly believe they are 9 months old. A friend of ours just had very preemie twin boys & Justin and I were taken back to those early days with the twins. Neither one of us would trade him places...those early days were some of the toughest & most sleep deprived days we will ever know. As they say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." In all seriousness, I have loved every stage although some have been more challenging than others.

Now that we have hit 9 months; I think for this post I am just going to list some of the new things that the babies are doing and some of the funny things they do that I love. So here goes, I love it when:

1) They wake up for a nap they are standing up in their cribs with a huge grin.
2) They now pull up on everything.
3) They both say Ma-Ma, although Audrie more than Ellie
4) Audrie goes around a lot of the day saying, "Mmmm, Mmmmm"
5) I do the hand sign for "milk" their eyes light up and they high tail it over to me
6) They crinkle up their nose & do a little snort when they want something
7) They reach up for me when they are sitting on the floor and want to be picked up
8) They try to feed themselves finger foods.
9) Audrie tries to take steps & does a high step with her left foot
10) They play with each other or when they look over at each other and just start giggling.
11) Audrie grabs the spoon from me when I'm trying to feed her
12) Audrie babbles the entire meal..who knows what she's talking about!
So that's just a few of the things that I love, I'm sure I'll post many more later! Happy 9 months Audrie & Ellie!

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our First "Vacation"

The girls watching their "Baby Can Read Video"

Audrie exploring the new place.

The girls picking on Daddy.

So I thought I would tell you a little bit about our 1st vacation with the girls, not counting Kansas of course. I'm not sure if that counts as a vacation or not :)

Justin & I have been wanting to go snowboarding forever. I got new snowboarding boots 2 years ago and still hadn't used them; with being pregnant, etc we just hadn't had a chance. So we decided to load the girls up and go. We had to find a nanny to watch them, which I was a little aprehensive about. I hadn't left them with anyone since they were 8 weeks old. For this reason & since I'm still nursing we decided on 1/2 days. They did better then expected! By the 2nd day with the nanny, they acted like I was old news. Ellie was a little slower to warm up to her, which was surprising. Usually it's Audrie that is a little more cautious. This trip, Audrie was the perfect baby. She was SO laid back.

I was amazed that when we first got to the house where we were staying, the girls played for awhile & then it was time for their nap. I thought, "Oh no, here we go." I figured being in a strange place, sleeping in a pack n play they would fight me on taking a nap. To my surprise, they fell asleep immediately without so much as a whimper.

Justin & I had a great time. While Justin is used to leaving the girls everyday it was a little strange for me. The nanny and I kept texting back and forth and she assured me they were doing great.. It was really nice to get away though and just hang out with my hubby.

After this trip, we decided we need to start having more time to ourselves. I think we're going to try to make more of an effort to leave the girls with someone every month or so & go to a movie, out to dinner, etc.