Sunday, May 30, 2010

Looks Like We Need To Make A Trip To Target

So, I think we've found 1 toy that the girls really don't want to share. They have a little lion push toy which until yesterday they really didn't show much interest in. They liked us to push them around on it, but didn't have the skills yet to push it on the own. I think it is quickly becoming their favorite toy.

Last night, Audrie just took off with it and then so did Ellie. They made several trips around the house before we finally had to put it away so we could put them to bed. Here is a video of Ellie, her first few times walking with it. Now, she is super fast on it. It's funny...she tends to be the type to just go all out with it, as fast as she can and see what happens. Audrie on the other hand tends to be more cautious.

Today they have basically been fighting over it. My feet are tired from making so many trips around the house, following them. Pretty much our day was spent holding one, so she wouldn't try to take it from her sister; & following the other one around to help navigate the corners. I think we're going to have to get another one so they can each push it around as much as they want. Plus, I think it will probably be pretty cute watching them follow each other around the house.

On a side note, we'll be moving on Tuesday & Wednesday so wish us luck. I think it's going to a little bit more challenging than last time with two mobile babies who want to get into everything.

1 comment:

  1. oh that is so cute! Ellie walking. My she is sure looking like audrie. They will be a handful while trying to move. Yes, the girls need two lions.
