The twins turned 10 months old today. We are quickly approaching the 1 year mark..I don't quite know if I'm ready for that. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing them home from the hospital.
Ellie, on the other hand refuses to feed herself. She'll pick the food up, but won't put it in her mouth. Then she clinches the food in her hands the entire meal and won't let me take the food from her hands after she's done. She carries it around like she's saving it in case she never gets fed again :)
They are both pulling up on everything, but no steps yet. Crawling around like crazy. They are getting harder to chase around. Both of them are becoming Daddy's girls, especially Ellie. They certainly like when Dad works from home. The other day, Justin left for the office and Ellie was searching for him. First she made a beeline for the bedroom, then she headed straight for his office to no avail. You could almost see the disappointment!
Although they love their Daddy...Mom is what they spend their days talking about. The only word they know so far is "Mom or Mama."
It's starting to get hot here. We hit 90 today...hopefully we don't get cabin fever too bad this summer. I'm posting a pic of the girl's 1st swimsuit. Can't wait to get them started in swim lessons this summer!
Speaking of Swim lessons---how well I remember your Mom & you, and Gabe & I down at the YMCA. You were just a few months old and Pam & I were just a few pounds lighter! Those were good times! Cute cute cute the ruffle...makes all the difference...I think maybe I need a ruffle on my swimsuit??