Warning: This post may be a little long. The purpose of my blog is two-fold...it's great to keep our families updated, but I'm also using at as somewhat of a "journal." I'm trying to document EVERYTHING so that someday the girls will be able to read through it. So, I apologize but I want to document how the girls came into the world before I forget most of the details:)
So, I've already blogged about how we found out we were expecting twins so now I'm going to start from I guess May 5th, 2009 on. This is where the fun really starts, haha!
On May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, Justin and I went to Native New Yorker to have a couple of beers and some wings (well, Justin was having beer anyway.) I was 28 weeks pregnant and since about 20 weeks had been having contractions, but the Dr. said nothing to be alarmed about as it was ok with twins as long as no more than 6 per hour. I was told to monitor an hour a day and count how many I was having.
Girls..this is a picture of your pregnant mom, pretty early on.

After we left Native New Yorker, I felt like I was having quite a few so I laid down to count them. Within about 20 minutes I'd already had 4 and by an hour I'd had way over 6...crap!! So we headed into Chandler Regional thinking they'd just hook me up to the monitor, call my Dr. & release me. When I got there, she said "I can't believe this is your 1st trip in here." We see twin Moms a lot. So, they hooked me up...indeed I was having a lot of contractions...then they examined me. I was 2 cm. dilated and 50% effaced...I couldn't believe it. At this point I'm still thinking they are going to send me home.
She calls Dr. Kells and then comes back to tell me I have to stay the night while they try to stop labor. It was the longest night of my life...we brought nothing to the hospital so Justin had to go back to the house and get some things. I laid there in the hospital bed having non stop contractions petrified. I kept thinking how small the babies would be at 28 weeks.
And this is Dr. Kells, he delivered you.

The next morning Dr. Kells came in and examined me and told me I could go home. They hadn't stopped the contractions, so I would need to be on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. For the next 6 weeks all I could do was lie on the couch. Justin was my angel! He made me every meal and took phenomenal care of me. All I did all day was count contractions. Justin would laugh at me because he would come home and I would be laying there facing the "back" of the couch with no TV or anything. Just staring at the couch. I told him it was because I was trying not to have more than 6 contractions in an hour and every time I rolled over to face the other direction it gave me a contraction. He still thought I was weird.
So for 6 weeks, I laid there just praying I would keep the babies in as long as possible. So since this is getting so long I'm going to finish the story in another post. That's all for now!