So last night Audrie was working really hard on something. I wasn't sure if she was trying to crawl or sit up. This morning I got done feeding her and then put on the wood floor and went to get her sister. When I came back Audrie was sitting STRAIGHT UP!! This was the first time she's sat on her own without any support and got in that position all on her own. I think she woke up this morning and was bound and determined to finish what she started last night. The middle picture is of her trying to get to a sitting position last night...She just couldn't quite get there.
I was a little worried with her on the wood floor, thinking she would bonk her head I quickly moved her. I think she's ok though; when she does fall, she falls quite gracefully.
Ellie probably won't be too far behind..I've noticed her trying to really watch Audrie and copy her so I'm sure she'll be sitting up soon!
Now those are cute animal slippers!! I, too, have some fuzzy slippers. :)