We are back home from our trip to Kansas for the holidays. We had a great time, but there sure is something to be said for being back at home. The girls had an awesome Christmas...complete with a visit from Santa. They were spoiled rotten!! Mom was also spoiled too..I got a new Nikon camera for Christmas. I guess the pressure is on now to take better pictures!!
The trip home was a bit of a downer as we were delayed by 3 hours. The girls have always been perfectly behaved on the plane, but not this time. Unfortunately, Justin & I weren't able to sit together and poor Justin got Audrie who was fussy most of the flight. They both were mad the majority of the 50 mile drive home, but it was funny...as soon as we walked in the back door and we sat them down; they both got a big grin on their face.
The girls were also dedicated at my Mom & Dad's church. They looked so adorable in their little white dresses & booties.
We enjoyed spending time with my mom, dad, & also my brother & his family. Shannon was so good with the babies. I think he's the only one that was able to rock them both to sleep at the same time. He sang to them & they just loved it. My Aunt Paula & her family came to Lyons and we had a great time on Saturday. Funny enough this was the first time my cousin Gabe had met Justin. They got along swimmingly which I knew they would. They are both a couple of clowns :)
We had a fun time sledding behind the 4 wheeler back at Justin's. I knew my rear was a little sore the next day, but didn't realize until we got back home that I had a bruise about the size of a grapefruit. Thanks, honey!! :) I think I must have been going about 50-60mph.
We packed a lot of stuff into 7 days and had a great time!! It's makes goodbye's a little tougher when their are little ones. They change so fast especially when the family only sees them a few times a year.
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