Well, we are back home from our trip to Kansas and are once again settling into our routine. The last couple of days have been a little challenging since the girls got accustomed to being held all of the time. I'm not sure they were put down all week. At home unfortunately Mom doesn't have enough hands to hold them both all of the time. I finally invested in a second swing. That thing is like magic...I try not to put them in there much, but it really is a life saver sometimes.
We had a great trip. The flight was a breeze.. Justin and I each put one in a Baby Bjorn carrier and sailed right through the airport. They loved the little carriers and slept all of the way minus waking up to eat.
We spent most of the time at Justin's parent house since they didn't have the opportunity to come to AZ when the girls were born. The girls had a great time. They finally got some time outdoors and experienced several Kansas rain storms. One night the power even went out and they had their first feeding by candelight. Too bad they were eating when Uncle Kenny and Justin delivered a calf, but I'm sure they will get to experience many calves being born as they get older.
At my mom & dad's I bet we had 30 people come see the babies. I also got to see some old friends. My brother kept joking that he didn't see what was so hard about having twins....they were so well behaved. HAHA!! That's because they were getting held the whole time. Uncle Kenny said the same thing so we showed him. We made him hold both twins and then left for just a few minutes. When we came back, they were both mad and Kenny looked flustered. I think he now understands why twins can be so hard :)!!
Oh by the way, the girls also turned 3 months old this past Tuesday. They are growing so much. We sat in front of a 4 month old on the plane and he weighed 16 lbs. There was such a huge difference between him and our twins. Totally different babies, but I'm sure ours will catch up soon enough!!
While we had a wonderful time, it is always nice to get back home to our routine. I think the girls were glad to be back at home ,too. They didn't say so, but I'm pretty sure they were. All in all..a fantastic time. See you all at Christmas!!!
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