Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What did You SaY?

Daddy reading a story

Well, I've always heard that twins have their own language and now I truly believe it.  They jabber away at each all day long.  Right now, Audrie is probably the more talkative of the two.  Audrie just talks & talks about everything it seems.  Ellie on the other hand is more to the point.  She has this one particular sound she makes to Audrie;  everytime Ellie does it, they either laugh or Audrie hands Ellie something.  It must mean something, but I'm just not sure what.  Apparently Audrie understands though.

The best part is in the morning when they first wake up.  They normally start to wake up around 7:30 or so but we don't go get them from their cribs until about 8:00.  So from 7:30-8:00 you can hear them just carrying on having a good time.  Who knows what they are talking about, but it's pretty funny to listen to.  I have to remember to get this on video if possible.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Splash Pad

Before the "accident"

So some of you may already have heard, but for those of you who Justin HASN'T told; the girls had their first accident on my watch. Justin likes to tell the story more than i do, since he wasn't here when it happened. I had the laundry basket out and Audrie happened to crawl in, so Ellie started pushing her around the house in it. So cute I thought. Well then Ellie crawled in the basket too and they were just playing...all of a sudden they both stood up on one side and of course it tipped over and they face planted right on the hardwood floors. Instant hysterics. So I'm trying to hold both of them, but can't really check out their injuries without a free hand.  Audrie sticks her finger in Ellie's mouth like she always does, and when she pulls it out there's blood on it, "uh-oh."  Well, I finally got them calmed down and then they went for their nap.  I was more concerned about Ellie at this point, but when they wake up I discover Audrie has a giant bruise on her cheek. I'm sure this will be the first of many accidents, but I realized how hard it is when they both get hurt at the same time and need Mom.  

Ellie coloring
Audrie playing in the fountain
So, on  to more recent events...this weekend we took the girls to the splash pad at Desert Ridge.  They had so much fun.  We took them to dinner first and Ellie had a good time coloring.  Then we headed over to play in the water.  At first, Ellie did her typical thing...just stood there and looked around.  Audrie also did her typical thing...bolted off in 12 different directions.  Pretty soon though, after she'd "assessed" the situation, Ellie was off.  They were all over the place...I'd like to take them this week by myself, but I'm not sure I could contain them both.  Even with Justin there, I kept losing track of one...Anyway, they had so much fun & I'd definitely recommend taking your kids to one if you've never been. 

Ellie and her new friend
Lastly,  Ellie & Audrie are loving books right now.  Usually they will go get a book and bring it to me, then fight over who gets to sit on my lap while I read it.  Story time usually consists of one kid on my lap and the other one hanging over my shoulder trying to see the pages.  Well, I think that's it for now.  

Monday, August 16, 2010

14 Months

For me today is bittersweet...the girls turned 14 months old today, but with great sadness dare I say the girls are officially done nursing. A dear friend of mine had her 1st baby start kindergarten today and she was explaining how her daughter seemed fine, meanwhile she's been a mess. Isn't that the truth? I'm sure the girls would have been fine being done nursing awhile ago, but Mom just couldn't quite cut them loose. But today was the last time..I THINK. As long as I can stay strong in the morning and just give them their sippy cup.

The twins have never really nursed for comfort..they've been on a really good schedule and only nursed when they were hungry. I've been gradually decreasing the number of feedings and for the last several months I've only nursed them when we wake up. 5 days ago Ellie decided she was done... I put her on my lap and she'd just giggle and roll off my lap onto the bed. Audrie has still been eating, butI finally just decided it was time to call it quits. They are fine with stopping, so Mom should be too, right? It's funny, turns out I really enjoyed the experience. In the beginning I didn't think I'd make it 14 days, let alone 14 months. Wish me luck in the morning..;)

Oh, and the pictures...this is Audrie. She loves carrying her dollies around and gives them lots of kisses. Usually one under each arm..

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 YeAr PiCs

Wanted to give everyone a sneak peek of the girl's 1 year pictures by Kelly Rashka..I should have all of the pictures back soon and will be posting more...Here are just a few!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lots of UpDaTeS!

Well, this week we started probably what will be the girl's last week in swim lessons. Tomorrow I get to get in the water with them, which will be fun! She's going to show me some things to do with them so they'll continue to float and swim underwater.

Saturday we went to The Little Gym! I think the girls had fun, but I realized I'm definitely not the "sing-songy mom type." There was a little bit of that in the beginning and that was certainly not Justin and I's favorite part. The girls were so funny and you can tell they have different personalities. The teacher said to let them "explore" and Audrie did just that. She would just take off with no thought to where Mom & Dad were. She'd go over to other families and stand there with them, then take off in another direction. Ellie, on the other had we kept calling "Elmer", because she had her feet glued to the ground. She was so curious that she was just taking it all in but standing in one spot.
They love to climb on everything, so I'm sure they had a great time. Especially Audrie, she actually climbs INTO everything. Yesterday the toybox in the living room, today the toybox in her room, & then the box that my scrapbook supplies were delivered in.
Well, the girls are waking up from their nap so I'll finish the rest of the updates next post.