I'm a little behind on posting about our trip to zoo lights, but here it is. A couple of weeks ago, the twins had their first trip to the zoo; it just happened to be at night. For those of you not from Arizona, every year the Phoenix zoo puts on what is called "Zoo Lights." They have a staff that works on it all year long and they end up putting up more the 2.5 million lights around the zoo. This was our first year to go..and it was well worth it.
It runs every night from 6-10.. We arrived a little after 6 o clock, just as it was getting dark. I sort of figured once we put the girls in their stroller it would be lights out for them, but not so. They must have been really enamored with the lights, because they stayed wide eyed the entire time. We circled the zoo twice, before we headed for home & they were perfectly content the entire time.
It's so funny walking around with twins...they certainly get a lot of looks and the "ooh, look it's twins" from all the passer-by's. My favorite is when people ask, "Are they twins?" I always want to respond by saying, "No, we just have babies REALLY close in age that happen to look alike." HA!! Of course instead, I smile & say "Yes, they are."